Home Improvement

DIY Home Improvement Projects for Summer

Looking for some home projects to complete over the summer? You’ve come to the right place! Summertime is a great opportunity to do one or many home improvement projects, whether it’s building a new deck or as simple as painting the front door. Below we highlighted a few projects that will make your home more enjoyable and efficient.

Clean out those storage spaces!

Couple decluttering their garage.

Although some despise these kind of projects, the end result is very rewarding! Having an uncluttered garage, basement, and/or outdoor shed will keep your space more organized. Doing this in the summer also allows people to get rid of unwanted items with a yard sale, so it’s a win-win situation! Check out these storage solutions by Organized Living.

Re-caulk windows and doors

Recaulking window with GE silicone sealant.

Caulking windows and doors can eliminate hot or cold air from seeping in, which also lowers the energy bill! This is an inexpensive project that almost anyone can do, and in result makes your space more comfortable. Click here for an ultimate guide on caulking windows.

Make an outdoor countertop from scratch!

A concrete countertop is ideal for outdoor spaces because of its durability compared to other materials. This budget-friendly project does not require any adhesives and can have color added to it for more customization! The video above explains all the required steps for making your own concrete countertop.

Clean and refinish the deck

Paintbrush and stain sitting on deck.

It’s good practice to refinish and/or clean a deck annually. Cleaning procedures differentiate from wood and composite decks because certain chemicals can harm composite material. A refinishing project will give the deck a fresher look, as well as reducing the chance of splintering and cracking. Watch Brad from Fix This Build That on staining a deck.

Have the gutters looking good as new

Man cleaning leaves out of gutters.

Having clean gutters is important, especially during rainy seasons. Before any cleaning is done, make sure all debris is dry. Simply scoop out the debris into a bucket, then take a hose and flush out anything that remains. A leaf blower or pressure washer can also be handy for this project.

Although we only listed a few home improvement projects, there are many others out there that can be done by homeowners! No matter how big or small a project is, YBC carries thousands of products to complete your projects. Planning on a bigger home improvement project? See our list of services we have to offer!
